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Definition and Benefits of Acoustic Plaster

If you are looking for a solid material that has no gaps, seams or joints and can be made in any colour, you only need to choose drywall or plaster. Unfortunately, none of these products cancels the noise. When considering a large room with wooden floors and plaster walls, sound absorption can be significant. The solution is acoustic plaster. Are you entering the construction business, or do you want to use something? You may have heard of acoustic plaster.

Defining Acoustic Plaster

This tape contains fibre or aggregates so that it absorbs sound. Asbestos-containing plasters were recently made from a base layer of absorbent substrate plates, which are usually in the form of mineral wool or non-flammable inorganic beads. The first finishing layer is then applied to the media plate, and sometimes the second finishing layer is added to reduce noise further. They offer an elegant and flawless look and more flexibility in furniture. It takes a lot of skills to apply this plaster.

If you think about it, this tape can be beneficial if you want to build a soundproof room. Here are some other advantages


  • The immediate and straightforward advantage of using these patches is to give them a feeling of confidentiality. If noise is absorbed by plaster and does not flow through walls, prisoners in the room feel safer during communication.
  • The open space where the plaster is used does not have to be specifically designed to avoid noise. It makes it the perfect choice for businesses, restaurants and offices.
  • Because there are many ways to apply plaster, it can be used for old and new buildings.
  • This plastering work can be done not only on walls but also on ceilings. In rooms with windows or glass tiles, the sound can still be absorbed by plaster.
  • There is no need to apply it to the entire property if you think that only one room is soundproof.

As each household moves to more and more private facilities, the need for acoustic plasters increases. The most common settings where acoustic plasters are used are those that require high sound absorption properties. Some of them are museums, auditoriums, libraries, galleries, and performing arts centres. Your office lobby and conference room will need this product.

Sound to Information

By using acoustic bandages, echo echoes can be drastically reduced in one area. The response has an essential impact on the clarity of speech and affects safety, health, learning, and quality of life. By absorbing sound waves, acoustic patches make the conversation clearer even under challenging situations and shorten the echo time.

In large areas, chiefly when walls and floors can consist of hard surfaces, sound absorption can be essential for the overall aesthetics of a room.

Most acoustic patches have a noise reduction factor (NRC) of 0.50 to 1.00. It can vary greatly depending on mounting style (type A or type E), layers and manufacturers. In our article about comparing acoustic plasters, you will find specific acoustic information for each style and manufacturer.

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